Processed naturally with fresh apple and raw sugar, Apple Cider Vinegar aids weight loss, reduces acidity and is suggestive of improving heart health. It helps improve digestion, fights acne and adds a healthy glow to your skin. Consumed regularly and applied as a conditioner, it helps reduce dandruff and hair fall. Mix it with honey and water and it makes for delicious energy drink!
₹280 – ₹450
Extracted from dense jungles none for their herbal vegetation, SATT Forest Honey is unfiltered, unpasteurized and raw. Replete with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, this golden nectar is a miraculous healer. Being a natural sweetener, it can be an ideal substitute for the sweet tooths, keeping your health intact and taste buds satisfied.
Distilled from Gir cow urine, SATT Gow Ark is replete with a broad spectrum of antibiotic, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties making it suitable for a wider range of disorders. Being a fungicide and bio-enhancer, it stimulates the immune system, detoxifies the system, purifies blood and ensures a glowing skin.
Traditionally acclaimed by Ayurveda, this vibrant golden powder extracted from the roots of Haldi (Curcuma longa) plant, ensures health and strength to your body and brain.
Treated with lime water for 50 days, SATT Sanskarit Haldi with its unique earthy taste is rich in calcium, anti-oxidants and is effective in maintaining balance between Kaph, Pitta and Vaata in the body.