About Us

We are a group of families from across the globe living together as one.

Individuals who are bound not by caste, class, religion, or region but by one common vision.

About Us
A group of families from across the globe living together as one. Individuals bound,not by caste, class, religion, or region-but one common vision.
The Alternative

Story of Prosperity

We aren’t limited to customer satisfaction. Our aim is to form a direct bond with our patrons and invoke producer mentality in them. The simple reason behind this is that the only way we can avoid exploiting the planet and our fellow human beings is through production. Then prosperity follows.


and growing

Satisfied Customers Worldwide

Since – 2007

 Our Story

To date, humans have not been able to live responsibly. What is the proof? Earth has become sick, and societies have fragmented. What are we to do?

Our story started with finding a practical answer to these questions—a clear vision for a living model where we can live friction-free with one another and with the environment. The vision took shape. Words turned into actions. Thoughts turned into realities. In the beginning, it was just a few families who shared this goal, then a few more. Recognizing our relationship with nature, we took responsibility for producing our basic physical needs ourselves. Food, soaps, supplements, and more. We committed to using only the best natural ingredients and sustainable practices. It was becoming clear to others that we were onto something good. Families continued to join, bringing new skills, insights, and a feeling of festivity. As part of a holistic education for our children, we learned more about all the wonderful plants around us and how to process them into our objects of need.

With experts from both Ayurveda and modern health science living in our community, we combined the top knowledge from the fields to create credible and effective recipes. Make, use, refine, and repeat. Through this cycle, products improved with each round. We established a quality control committee to structure this process and set our standards. As nature’s generosity goes, we were able to produce way more than our own necessities. As an educational project, the youth of the campus took this surplus and created a brand. SATT.

Our sales started humbly with a cart and quickly upgraded to a van, then two vans. Through this, many curious visitors continue to come to our campus, and some have been inspired to live out this alternative model with us. 10 years ago, we were a single family. Five years ago, we were six. We are now 30 families and rapidly growing. We are currently building a full, self-sustainable town where 100 families will be able to live, work, and educate our children joyfully together.

We trust this town model will be an inspiration for people from around the world for how we can live ecologically and meaningfully without stress, friction in relationships, or discrimination based on religion, gender, or age. All of our earnings are reinvested in society through our educational programs and harmonious living model.

By sharing our products, we are sharing our story.

Our Future


  • A universal human order, free from divisions
  • Production: not for profit, but for sustainability
  • A humane education in tandem with reality, and a model of living complementing it


Main Offices in Pivdai, Indore, M.P, India

Our Core Value:

Existence is Co-existence

Invoking Producer Mentality

Using Nature's Finest Ingredients

Being Unified & Universal

Key People

We are an enthusiastic team, motivated by the common goal of cultivating ideal human relationships, in harmony with nature.

SATT is a product of our quest to be in balance with nature by living free of exploitation. The key is sustainability, be it with respect to the environment or societal relations.

We have banded together to offer a complete alternative to the current exploitative, dishonest, commercial market system.

Ajay Dayma

Founder. Human Education Expert

Tarkesh Rao

Operations Manager

Ravi Sheshadri


Samyak Patel

Procurement Head

Soumya Pandey

Product Designer, Photographer

Amit Pandey

Marketing and Accounts